Σάββατο 15 Φεβρουαρίου 2025 στις 19.00
Κουίρ Αυτοάμυνα: Workshop "De-macho Martial Arts" & after Drag Show +Party
We invite you to THREE unforgetable experiences IN ONE day!!
We raise money for the rent of our self-organized space. In this place we, Τα Μπουκέτα, FLINTA only. train self-defence, kick-boxing, muay thai, drag and other stuff to make this world a safer place for us and a dangerous one for queerhostile assholes.
Enjoy the workshop "De-Macho Martial Arts", with team games and exercises that can help us understand how (not to) reproduce patriarchal patterns that we have learned in gym environments - and that can help us make our trainings more accessible, enjoyable, martial for our own purposes.
Be part of incredible drag and burlesque performances, that will leave you stunning and moving.
Get crazy with our DJ sets and dance to the rhythm of reggae town, techno, electro, post punk.
Our part end at 5 o clock in the morning. It is up to you to continue elsewhere…
There will be an awareness team around. See additional text 💕
For further needs or company from the metro station, you can approach us via mail until Saturday afternoon: quee rfemself defencea th@proto n.me
πηγή : https://bouketa.espivblogs.net
πηγή : email που λάβαμε στις 5 Φεβρουαρίου 14h