τι; : προβολή θεματική : φύλο από : Deathrock Greece

Τρίτη 27 Μαρτίου 2012 στις 20.30

Προβολή: Daddy and the Muscle Academy

Priscilla Queen of the Desert by Stephan Elliott (1994) 104 min.

"That's just what this country needs: a cock in a frock on a rock."

Merry Christmass Mr. Lawrence by Nagisa Oshima (1983) 123 min.

"Well I've tried the Manju, and I've tried the flowers, and I think the flowers taste better. "

Crumb by Terry Zwigoff (1994) 119 min.

"When I - what was it - about five or six? - I was sexually attracted to Bugs Bunny. "

Daddy and the Muscle Academy (1991) 55 min.

The story of gay artist Tom of Finland featuring hundreds of vividly rendered portraits of male models.

επικοινωνία :

πηγή : http://athens.indymedia.org/calendar/event.ph...